More Choices for Leaders: Last in the Series

This is the last in a series of four blog posts that provide a model you can use to help your clients make their organizations more profitable (which of course will go a long way toward your getting ongoing business from those organizations). Because not everyone may have read each of the previous three posts, here’s a brief review. We started by reporting research shared by Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee in their book Primal Leadership. That research found that an organization’s climate, profitability, and leadership styles intertwine. Companies with emotionally positive climates (think EQ) are much more profitable than those with negative climates. Leadership style directly controls 50 – 70% of climate, which in turn controls 20 to 30% of profitability. There are a number of learnable leadership styles. To maximize leader effectiveness, leaders should match leadership style to situational needs. In posts two and three of this series, we…